1 research outputs found

    Towards a flexible and transparent database evolution

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    Applications refactorings that imply the schema evolution are common activities in programming practices. Although modern object-oriented databases provide transparent schema evolution mechanisms, those refactorings continue to be time consuming tasks for programmers. In this paper we address this problem with a novel approach based on aspect-oriented programming and orthogonal persistence paradigms, as well as our meta-model. An overview of our framework is presented. This framework, a prototype based on that approach, provides applications with aspects of persistence and database evolution. It also provides a new pointcut/advice language that enables the modularization of the instance adaptation crosscutting concern of classes, which were subject to a schema evolution. We also present an application that relies on our framework. This application was developed without any concern regarding persistence and database evolution. However, its data is recovered in each execution, as well as objects, in previous schema versions, remain available, transparently, by means of our framework